Mystical Raven

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." ― Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

 · 16 min read

Just because someone is “family” doesn’t mean you have to tolerate disrespect, drama, lying, or manipulation.

Family relationships are often considered the bedrock of our personal and social lives. Inherently designed to offer support, love, and comfort, these bonds can sometimes veer off course, transforming into sources of considerable distress. The notion that familial ties are unconditionally nurturing is not always reflective of reality. Like any relationship, family dynamics can be complex and fraught […]

 · 2 min read

4 Things You Must Do After Yelling at Your Kids

None of us likes yelling at kids, but for most of us, it’s inevitable. No matter how great our kids are, or how well we do as parents, eventually, kids make mistakes. When it happens, we hopefully handle it calmly. But we need to discipline our kids, regardless of whether we quietly reprimand them or raise […]

 · 3 min read

4 Things You Must Do Before The Next Recession

Is a recession coming? It’s possible … and scary. Everyone is wondering what will happen. Especially with inflation, gas prices, and home values going crazy. By preparing now for a potential major downturn in the economy later this year, a recession might affect you less than others who don’t prepare.  Some ideas to consider:   Don’t overpay when you […]

 · 8 min read

5 Subtle Signs You Experienced a Rough Childhood

How these behaviors can fly under the radar if you aren’t looking for them. ome may look back on their early years with fond memories of family and friends, neighborhood block parties, and feeling safe and secure in your own bed at night. For others, we grew up living in survival mode where flight or […]

 · 2 min read

How Men Slowly But Surely Kill The Love Of Their Wives

What do you think, why do families break up if in front of the altar the two loving people sincerely want to make each other happy?Love is a peculiar thing that you can’t hide, but can easily lose with time. The problem is that usually, both are to blame for a divorce. However, there is […]

 · 2 min read

This Baby Was Rejected By Parents Because Of Her Strange Skin, But Her Grandfather Saved Her

A two-week-old baby born in the seventh month of pregnancy has been abandoned by her parents because of her rare skin condition. The newborn from western India is currently being looked after by her grandfather, Dilip Dode, 50. Weighing only 800 grams (1.7 pounds), doctors have suggested that the baby girl has Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) and some chromosomal […]

 · 2 min read

Most cars are painted one of these four colors—here’s why

Automotive enthusiasts and journalists often complain that cars these days all look the same. They blame the rise of the crossover, the increasing need to make cars as aerodynamic as possible to improve fuel mileage and an ever-growing list of essential safety features and technology.  But car colors are pretty uniform as well. The vast […]

 · 2 min read

People in Sweden Are Upgrading Their Hands, and It Makes Us a Little Scared

Many people in Sweden have been starting to get chipped since the spring of 2018. People get a chip surgically inserted between their thumb and index finger which then replaces all plastic cards, keys, and other things that people usually have to carry with them. And if last year around only 100 people had these chips, then now, according to Daily Mail, this number has risen to more […]

 · 5 min read

7 Creepy Stories And Disturbing Legends From Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park was established in 1890 and draws about 4 million visitors each year. Many of those people could tell you some creepy stories about Yosemite. Whether it was a creepy voice on the wind or a large rustle in the forest, the vast, open wilderness can cause some serious unease. According to some famous Yosemite legends, there really is […]