
 · 5 min read

10 Psychoactive Plants You Can Grow at Home

These ten plant (well, nine plants and one fungus, to be technical) can be grown in your home, backyard, or greenhouse, and all of them can get you high. Some are so hardy they’ll grow on your lawn whether you like it or not, and some require real horticultural skills and years of commitment. In […]

 · 9 min read

I’ve got terminal cancer. Here’s why I’m prioritizing travel

Kris Sokolowski has always been active, spending his free time mountain climbing, running and practicing martial arts. And at every opportunity, he could be found boarding a plane, en route to explore the world. On his first official date with his now wife, Sokolowski booked flights to South Africa for two weeks. The couple have […]

 · 2 min read

This Baby Was Rejected By Parents Because Of Her Strange Skin, But Her Grandfather Saved Her

A two-week-old baby born in the seventh month of pregnancy has been abandoned by her parents because of her rare skin condition. The newborn from western India is currently being looked after by her grandfather, Dilip Dode, 50. Weighing only 800 grams (1.7 pounds), doctors have suggested that the baby girl has Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) and some chromosomal […]

 · 2 min read

“Re-Habit” Transforms Empty Big Box Stores into Housing for the Homeless

Los Angeles-based KTGY Architecture + Planning’s Research and Development studio has unveiled an idea to reuse millions of square feet of empty retail stores as housing for the homeless. The “Re-Habit” concept calls for the installation of bathrooms, dining, sleeping, gardening, and job training facilities, transforming obsolete big-box stores into agents of social change. The concept comes at a time […]

 · 4 min read

 18 Forgotten Household Chores Your Grandparents Did Every Day

When washing machines were a luxury, boiling laundry was the norm to eliminate stubborn stains and germs. Imagine a big pot over a fire filled with clothes and soapy water bubbling away. Grandparents would swear by this method for its germ-killing prowess, especially during the spring clean. It’s a workout and a half compared to […]

 · 4 min read

An expert warns these two house plants are giving your space bad vibes

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art that aligns one’s living space with their identity and goals. Most people have had the unfortunate experience of being stuck in crowded, poorly designed small spaces. These environments can create feelings of stress, discontent, and discomfort in the home. Research has shown that our living spaces affect how […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer