
 · 10 min read

Apple Speaks the Truth About AI. It’s Not Good.

What did Apple see? Nothing good. A group of Apple researchers has published a paper claiming that large language models (LLMs), the backbone of some of AI’s most popular products today, like ChatGPT or Llama, can’t genuinely reason, meaning their intelligence claims are highly overstated (or from a cynical perspective, that we are being lied to). Through a […]

 · 5 min read

9 Signs of Phone Tracking You Should Look Out For

Most smartphones have tracking and monitoring components, and while these are mostly used appropriately, some bad-intentioned people may abuse them. However, there are some ways to spot the biggest signs of phone tracking and a few ways you can fix your device if you think it’s compromised. Can Someone Track Your Phone? Remote monitoring can […]

 · 3 min read

Chocolate giant Cadbury ‘still pushing orangutans towards extinction’

The maker of Cadbury chocolate bars, Oreo biscuits and Ritz crackers is accused of destroying tens of thousands of hectares of orangutan habitat in just two years for palm oil. Suppliers to food giant Mondelez have destroyed 70,000 hectares since 2016, analysis by Greenpeace International claims, pushing the primate further towards extinction. The areas razed to the ground include 25,000 hectares of […]

 · 5 min read

Organisms found on hike in the woods are like no other life on Earth

Hemimastigotes are more different from all other living things than animals are from fungi. Canadian researchers have discovered a new kind of organism that’s so different from other living things that it doesn’t fit into the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, or any other kingdom used to classify known organisms. Two species of the microscopic […]

 · 1 min read

You Can Now Get An Electric Blanket That Connects To Your Car

If you’re driving home for Christmas this year, you don’t have to worry about turning the heating right up in the car, as there’s now an electric blanket for your travels. Stalwart’s electric heated blanket plugs into your cigarette lighter, and works with cars, trucks, SUVs and RVs. The cord is 2.5 metres long so […]

 · 3 min read

4 Things You Must Do Before The Next Recession

Is a recession coming? It’s possible … and scary. Everyone is wondering what will happen. Especially with inflation, gas prices, and home values going crazy. By preparing now for a potential major downturn in the economy later this year, a recession might affect you less than others who don’t prepare.  Some ideas to consider:   Don’t overpay when you […]

 · 2 min read

People in Sweden Are Upgrading Their Hands, and It Makes Us a Little Scared

Many people in Sweden have been starting to get chipped since the spring of 2018. People get a chip surgically inserted between their thumb and index finger which then replaces all plastic cards, keys, and other things that people usually have to carry with them. And if last year around only 100 people had these chips, then now, according to Daily Mail, this number has risen to more […]

 · 1 min read

Company found a way to produce a fuel that emits no CO2 — and it’s made of sewage

We’re wiping our way to a cleaner future. Gold Nuggets A company called Ingelia says it’s figured out a way to turn human waste — the solid kind — into a combustible material it’s calling biochar. And if Ingelia’s claims are accurate, biochar can be burned for fuel just like coal, except with near–zero greenhouse gas emissions, according to Business Insider. That’s because almost all of […]

 · 5 min read

Scam Alert: Fake Calls From Social Security

Robocallers claiming to be from the government are trying to steal your personal information. Scammers are using a Social Security Administration phone number in an attempt to steal important personal information from you, regulators warn. The Federal Trade Commission, which regulates the telecommunications industry, says the incoming calls show SSA’s customer service number, 800-772-1213, on […]

 · 11 min read

How US Army Technology Gave Rise to the McRib

I have been aging the Rib Shaped, Barbecue Flavor Pork Patty from Menu 16 on the shelf behind my desk since February 2012, when I was given it during a tour of the US Army Natick Soldier Research, Engineering and Development Center. By law, combat rations are designed to last for three years at 80 […]