
 · 5 min read

Many People Have Found Their Soulmate in a Pet

Most people think of their pets as an extension of their own family, spoiling them with love, treats, and care. Furthermore, often people even feel a stronger bond with their pets than they do with other people. More than that, a poll taken a couple of years ago shows some even consider their pets to […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

The Eclipse Have You on Edge? Well There’s Worse Things On The Way as Mercury Goes Into Retrograde

For some, Mercury retrograde is a means of justification for bad behavior or bad things happening. Meanwhile, others find astrology to be a questionable source. Either way, the occurrence is real, and seemingly impacts numerous aspects of life. Mercury retrograde happens 3-4 times a year when the planet slows down, creating the illusion that it’s […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

The Shape Of Your Nose Could Reveal Your Personality

While it is true that you can’t judge a book by its cover, it’s hard not to make assumptions based on appearances. We notice certain characteristics and subconsciously draw connections. But are we that far off with our assumptions? Our physical characteristics play a huge part in the development of our character, so some of […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

17 Things People Get Totally Wrong About The Afterlife

The concept of the afterlife has captivated human minds for centuries. Different cultures, religions, and individuals hold varied beliefs about what happens after we die. Depending on what you believe and what religion you adhere to, you will have different opinions on what happens after we die. 17 Misconceptions About the Afterlife According to the […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

4 stages you need to go through to experience spiritual awakening

Spirituality can mean so many things for different people. There is no concrete method or exacting formula that directs how we should approach spiritual growth, but what remains clear is that as humans, we naturally seek meaning by exploring spiritual endeavors. It is often in this exploration that we form spiritual praxis and build communities […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer