
 · 7 min read

Everyday Foods That Can Spike Blood Sugar Levels

Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can present an individual with a number of significant health challenges that require substantial lifestyle changes. Of those changes, the most important and immediate may involve adjustments to one’s diet, and specifically keeping tabs on foods and beverages that have a demonstrable impact on blood sugar levels. After all, […]

 · 7 min read

12 Signs of Verbal Abuse Never to Ignore

People endure many types of abuse every day, but they don’t all occur within the confines of a romantic relationship. Verbal abuse is one of those sneaky types of maltreatment that isn’t always easy to detect. These words are used to manipulate, control, or hurt another person. It often accompanies other forms of abuse, such […]

 · 6 min read

8 Early Signs of Colon Cancer You Should Know

Health experts are tracking a concerning trend in colorectal cancer: Its burden is shifting to a younger population. According to a 2024 report from the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths in men under 50 and the second in women of the same age group. Two decades ago, it was the fourth […]

 · 5 min read

 5 Telltale Signs That You’re the Target of Envy

And worse, being a modest person who doesn’t flaunt coveted material possessions or status symbols doesn’t necessarily protect you from being targeted. When you possess certain enviable personal characteristics that garner attention—traits like charisma, creativity, or self-discipline—simply being yourself is enough to make some individuals resent you. Below I delve into several telltale signs of envy and unpack […]

 · 5 min read

7 Signs of a Passive-Aggressive Gaslighter

Be on the lookout before you’re manipulated. “Some people try to be tall by cutting off the heads of others.” — Paramahansa Yogananda “If someone treats you bad, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don’t go around destroying other people.” ⁠ — Author unknown Gaslighting is a form of persistent manipulation […]

 · 5 min read

What are Common Causes and Signs of Seizures in Children?

Learn what to do if a child has a seizure with these steps for seizure first aid Approximately 4-5% of all children will experience a seizure at some point during their childhood. About 1% of children are diagnosed with epilepsy, and 1 in 26 people develop this neurological condition during their lifetime. Given these statistics, it’s […]

 · 2 min read

8 Common Signs Of Ear Health Problems That You Shouldn’t Ignore

You will stay healthy if you wash your body, brush your teeth, and clean your ears. However, some people are not aware of the protective function of their earwax. Your earwax can help you to know whether your ears are healthy or unhealthy. The key functions of earwax include protecting and moisturizing the ear canal […]

 · 6 min read

 7 Cases When A High Sex Drive May Be A Sign Of Trauma

Hypersexual behavior could be a symptom of PTSD or other mental health issues. Here’s what to look for. A high sex drive combined with risky behaviors could be an underlying sign that something is up with your mental health. Pay attention to the scenarios below when it comes to your sex life. People cope with trauma in […]

 · 6 min read

 7 Early Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Disease Problems

Looking for signs and symptoms of kidney disease problems? The kidney is one of the vital organs in the human body, and any alterations in normal functioning can be assessed by careful observation. The kidneys’ primary function is the removal of waste from the body, maintenance of normal electrolyte balance, controlling blood pressure, production of […]

 · 6 min read

7 Key Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

If you’re noticing a difference in yourself or a loved one, it could be a sign of cognitive decline. Here’s what to watch for. It can be tempting to brush off early warning signs of cognitive decline in yourself or a loved one as no big deal. Many early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, for example, can […]