Julie Hambleton has a BSc in Food and Nutrition from the Western University, Canada, is a former certified personal trainer and a competitive runner.
Julie loves food, culture, and health, and enjoys sharing her knowledge to help others make positive changes and live healthier lives.
Have you been seeing a lot of dragonflies buzzing around lately? Sometimes, they come in mating pairs tagging along each other’s tails and flying in spiral motions. Do you avoid them or do you sit up to watch? Like butterflies and moths, dragonflies are some of the most symbolic insects in nature and may serve […]
All couples have arguments, but it’s the way they have these arguments that can make or break their relationship. Marriage and love experts agree that arguments are okay and totally normal in a relationship (they can actually enrich two people’s understanding and respect for one another) —just as long as they do it right. But […]
Did you know that our souls can become lost? Have you ever gone for a period of time where you felt detached, uninspired, fragmented, or like you were somewhat separate from your body? It’s like you have so many feelings, and yet, you have no feelings at all. Well, these are all signs that you […]
At first, I thought whoever came up with this challenge must have been hallucinating. What leopard is in this picture? I tried to channel my inner genius by looking at every nook and cranny of the photo with my third eye. I even tilted my laptop to check if the leopard was some sort of a watermark […]
In today’s world, we hear the word “empathy” a lot. It is said that we need to be more empathetic as a society, and people who are labeled as “empathetic” are praised. Though there are many positives to this character trait, being an empath – someone who is an “emotional sponge” for others – comes […]
Have you ever discovered a weird or strange item and wondered what the heck it was? Well, if you happen to stumble upon any of these mystery items, wonder no more! We’ve compiled a list of 15 strange items that you probably won’t recognize, let alone be able to identify! 1. If you thought these […]
Intergenerational squabbles are nothing new. Every generation thinks that the generation before them had it easy and that the one younger than them is the worst. For millennials, we blamed the Boomers for, well, basically all the economic hardships we’ve faced while they told us it’s only because we are frivolous with our money. Meanwhile, […]
Life isn’t always as rosy as we want it to be, but no one ever said it has to be all struggles, pain, and suffering. You only get to live once here on earth, and it’s up to you to make your time worth the while. The concept of a beautiful life means different things […]
It’s a word that you hear a lot these days: Narcissist. You’ll often hear it, particularly when someone is experiencing relationship difficulties or a breakup, but it can also be used in familial, work, and other relationships. Narcissism is complicated and can be difficult for people on the outside of a relationship to see it. […]