Let’s start with a big question: How old is too old to trick or treat?
Well, some cities not only suggest an age, but they will also send kids over the “legal” limit to jail for dressing up and going door-to-door looking for candy.
Let’s start in Chesapeake, Virginia where anyone over the age of 13 who is caught trick-or-treating can be sent to jail for up to 6 months, and fined!
In Newport News, Virginia, kids can trick or treat until 7th grade or until they turn 12. After that, it’s a misdemeanor.
Several North Carolina cities have similar legal restrictions for 12 or 13 year olds, as well as 9 p.m. curfews for all.
In parts of South Jersey the curfew is 7 p.m., with kids in Upper Deerfield Township also being told 12 is the official cut off.
This article was originally published on 13 Eyewitness News.