Jade Small
Jade Small
December 7, 2023 ·  2 min read

Animal Empaths: What They Are And How To Tell If You Are One

Have you ever found yourself captivated by someone engaged in a profound conversation with a cat or any other animal? Not the typical back-and-forth banter of meows or gestures, but a genuine, nuanced exchange that seems almost otherworldly. It often strikes as odd, perhaps even verging on the outskirts of eccentricity.

But here’s the fascinating twist

If that individual happens to possess the gift of being an animal empath, what might appear as a peculiar dialogue to us is an authentic, meaningful conversation with the creature in question, albeit in a language beyond our comprehension.

Empaths, with their inherent ability to tap into the emotions and sensations of others, usually against their own volition, possess a truly unusual skill. Yet, why should communicating with animals seem any more bizarre? Yes, animals are commonly believed to operate solely on instinct, devoid of emotions. However, close observation often reveals behaviors that defy their primal instincts, displaying a range of emotions and responses that mimic our own. There’s an abundance of anecdotes and tales to attest to this.

Read: Are You An Emotional Empath? Here’s How To Protect Yourself And Find Balance

An Elderly Woman Hugging a Horse
Credit: Pexels

Nevertheless, let’s steer away from recounting the peculiar antics of your neighbor’s enigmatic feline companion for now. Instead, let’s further explore the realm of animal empaths.

By now, the monikers “dog whisperers” and “horse whisperers” have likely reached everyone’s ears. These individuals have built careers out of calming animals that have been distressed for various reasons. Should it really come as a surprise that a significant number of them are, in fact, animal empaths, even if they refrain from explicitly stating so?

Let’s consider the names themselves: “Whisperer” implies an elemental, almost innate connection with animals, suggesting a symbiotic existence within the animal kingdom. Contrastingly, “Empath” bears a more mystical connotation, akin to the arcane terminologies often attributed to fortune tellers or spiritualists. The juxtaposition of these terms underscores the enigmatic yet deeply rooted relationship between empaths and the creatures they connect with.

Read: The 7 Stages Of The Relationship Between An Empath And A Narcissist

Crop man with puppy in hands
Credit: Pexels

Of course, it would be remiss to claim that every individual engaging in conversation with an animal possesses the extraordinary gift of animal empathy. Undoubtedly, some might lean toward the eccentric end of the spectrum. Conversely, there exist individuals so finely attuned to the intricacies of animal behavior that deciphering their unique sounds becomes an organic extension of their empathic ability.

What’s your perspective on this intriguing phenomenon? Have you ever pondered the possibility of being an animal empath yourself, or do you know someone who might possess this extraordinary gift? While I might not boast such abilities, I’ve had the privilege of encountering someone who does, and observing their profound connection with animals is undeniably captivating—provided, of course, that they’re not merely putting on an elaborate show of eccentricity.

Keep Reading: An Empath Will Hide These 11 Things From You