Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
February 7, 2024 ·  1 min read

Create Your Own Tiny Terrarium Necklace And Always Have A Magical Piece Of Nature

Sometimes we want to escape to nature, but we just don’t have the time or a way to do it. With a tiny terrarium necklace, you’ll always have a magical oasis within your grasp. A little reminder to breathe, and find your happy place- even if you have to carry it with you!

The adorable tiny terrarium necklace

There are countless ways to create your own fairy pendant, and you can even use the natural plants and flowers from your own backyard. Then, spruce it up with something whimsical, like a miniature gnome or mushroom.

Or if you’re more they mystical type, go for an enchanting item like a crystal, or a chalice.

How to create your own magical Necklace:

Step 1: Supplies

You will need:

  1. Bottle with cork charms
  2. Sheet moss or ground cover
  3. Different sizes of sand, pebbles, and rocks.
  4. You’ll also want some tweezers that cajn fit down into the bottle.

Step 2:

Uncork your jar and layer it like a trifle. Add the finest grains of sand first. Then add in the smaller pebbles.

Add your larger rocks around the edge of the bottle. Leaving a small opening for a tuft of ground cover. Use your tweezers to set a tuft inside.

Then use the tweezers to nuzzle the rocks around the tuft of moss. This will hold it in place and look like the plant is growing in the little jar. Moss and ground cover do not have deep roots, so they will attach to the rocks, but won’t run out of space.

Cork the bottle!

Because this is a real plant, it should be cared for. It won’t need much. Uncork your bottle once a week to every other week and add in 1-2 drops of water. Let the water and plant dry and then re-cork.

Enjoy your magical Tiny Terrarium!

Keep Reading: 12 Enchanting DIY Fairy Garden Ideas for Your Backyard